My joints used to hurt so bad, I couldn’t even pick up a pan to make myself scrambled eggs in the morning.

And as a doctor who has been featured on Time Magazine’s ALT list as one of the top 100 influential people and featured on Emmy-winning TV shows like The Doctors and Dr. Oz…

I was embarrassed that I secretly struggled with even the most basic activities.

I had to give up gardening, because kneeling down and bending over made my body erupt in pure agony. And at night, I needed two hands just to pull the covers up to my chin before bed.

But the worst part of all was the impact my painful joints had on my friends and family.

I can’t tell you how many times I had to cancel plans because my joints were on fire and I could barely get up off the couch.

I even had to pull the plug on a dream vacation I was planning with my best friend of more than 30 years.

It made me sick to my stomach when I had to give her the terrible news.

And I hope you don’t think I’m a bad person when I tell you just how much my decision cost her.

But before I get there, I need to tell you about a new medical discovery that has now been used by thousands of men and women - including seniors. And can completely silence even the most agonizing joint pain.

And don’t worry, this discovery has nothing to do with choking down giant horse pills or taking dangerous painkillers that eat away at your stomach, kidneys, and liver.

It doesn’t involve painful injections or costly surgery, either.

And it’s not glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, CBD, or some smelly cream that doesn’t even get through your skin.

Yet this safe and natural solution for healthy joints is now helping men and women everywhere glide into their golden years with total comfort and ease. Even if they have rotten genes that have caused their family members’ joints to wind up bone-on-bone.

And the best part is, this natural solution works without changing your diet or twisting your body into weird and uncomfortable stretches.

So no matter how badly your joints ache right now, I promise you will find relief when you act on the information I share with you today.

Even if you’ve already seen an orthopedist who has written you off as a lost cause.

It’s all thanks to a jaw-dropping new study from scientists in North Carolina. *

They discovered a remarkable remedy for aching joints hidden in the garbage of virtually every home in America. Yet it’s not dangerous, toxic, or harmful in any way. *

In fact, there is a 95% chance YOU have this joint-soothing remedy in your house as we speak. *

And that means, once you start using this remedy - instead of tossing it away - you can sit back and marvel as even your deepest joint aches begin to vanish. Sometimes in a matter of WEEKS. *

Because this remedy has the power to wash away even the most agonizing joint pain.Plus it can also erase every ounce of stiffness from your body - from the moment you wake up until you get back in bed again.

And most importantly, this remedy can give you the peace of mind that - while other people your age wind up needing round-the-clock care just to get through the day - you will be one of the lucky few who can remain vibrant, active, and independent for the rest of your life.

So just imagine leaping out of bed in the morning, without an ounce of stiffness or a single ache anywhere in your body.

Imagine cruising through your day feeling like someone half your age - without even the slightest twinge in your knees, back, hands, neck, or anyplace else.

And imagine going to bed after walking 18 holes or playing on the floor with the little ones for hours - and not worrying AT ALL about how you’ll feel the next morning.

Because that’s exactly what you could experience thanks to the new and natural joint-soothing remedy I’m going to share with you today.

So I encourage you to take the next few minutes and watch this short public service message all the way to the end.

Because my only goal is to give you the information you need to soothe your stiff and aching joints in as little as a few days. *

And unless you read obscure medical journals for fun, I promise you’ve never heard about this remarkable remedy before. (Even though study after study shows it can relieve even the most throbbing joint aches.)

I’m confident you won’t find out about it from the mainstream media, either.

Since they’re too busy chasing the latest political scandal or celebrity gossip to try and keep their ratings from falling off a cliff.

Which means this is the only place you’ll find out about this natural joint-soothing remedy.

And if you close the page right now, you may be doomed to spend the rest of your life in nonstop discomfort.

Even though the secret to total relief is just a few short minutes away!

So give me your undivided attention right now. And let me tell you all about this remarkable remedy for even the most agonizing joint discomfort.

It’s an amazing story that begins in the 1930s with a Jewish biochemist from Germany, who escaped the Holocaust and became a professor at Columbia University. *

And it finishes with an unassuming midwestern farmer more than 70 years later. *

Plus I’ll also show you how a rogue Harvard biologist discovered that wear-and-tear is actually NOT the reason your joints lose their cartilage. *

And how you can fix the real cause of your lost cartilage in as little as five seconds a day. *

Plus most important of all, you’ll hear from dozens of other men and women who used to suffer from excruciating joint pain - just like you.

And how these men and women are now living life on their terms again.

Free from nonstop discomfort day after day.

And free from the fear that they are doomed to serve a life sentence of declining health…until they lose their independence altogether.

Like Rita from Lansing, Michigan.

She said…

“I felt immediate relief from my bone-on-bone [joints]…I actually skipped a scheduled shot because I’m not in pain!”

And Judi from Rolla, Missouri said…

“Within a week I felt an improvement in my knee. I can now walk without a cane & have almost no pain!”

While Grazyna from Calgary said…

“I felt a profound pain reduction, much more profound than cortisone injections gave me. Right now I am actually pain-free!”

And there are thousands of other men and women out there just like them, too.

I’ll share even more of their stories with you soon.

But first, you deserve to know a little more about me. And why I decided that it was my duty as a doctor to make this video for you today.

Hi there! My name is Dr. Holly Lucille.

You may have seen me as a guest on national TV stations like ABC, NBC, and CBS, as well as on Emmy-winning TV shows like The Doctors and Dr. Oz.

I’ve been practicing medicine for over two decades.

And I’ve been blessed to receive a number of awards during my career. Including the “Excellence in Medicine” award from a leading medical review site.

Plus I was even on one of TIME Magazine’s “most influential people” on their ALT lists, too.

But I’m here today to share what I believe could become the defining discovery of my entire career.

See, I’ve worked with thousands of patients struggling with joint pain over the years.

So I’ve witnessed first hand what it’s like for my patients to feel like a young person trapped in an old person’s body.

Where even simple everyday activities - like carrying a laundry basket, getting in the car, or walking up the stairs - make your joints feel like they’re going to explode.

And it broke my heart when my patients told me it seemed like the walls were closing in around them.

Since it felt like the only options they had left to soothe their aching joints were bad…

And worse.

After all, nobody wants to wind up popping pain pills around the clock like candy. Or for a money-hungry doctor to pump them full of expensive injections.

And you definitely don’t want a knife-happy surgeon coming for your joints like they’re a fun home construction project, either.

But I know how tempting those solutions can sound in your darkest moments.

And if you’re anything like my patients, your friends and family are only making matters worse.

I can’t tell you how many patients I’ve had come to me in tears. Since even their closest loved ones didn’t understand the agony they were in.

Some of my patients were even accused of being “lazy.”

While others were treated like an addict looking for a high…

Rather than a human being desperate to find relief from their suffering…

And to just feel normal again.

But even as I tried to help my patients with their joint problems, there was someone else in my life quietly struggling in nonstop misery…


Like most people, my joint issues started small at first. A little twinge here. A mild ache there.

But as time went by, my joint health only continued to go downhill.

Until one day, I finally hit rock bottom.

It happened when I had to cancel a dream vacation with my best friend of more than 30 years.

And while this was one of the worst moments of my life, looking back now, I don’t regret it at all.

Because letting down my best friend in the world ultimately led me to discover a safe and natural solution that can make joint discomfort disappear - in as little as one night.

See, we had been planning to hike a special trail in Yosemite called Half Dome for years. But the park only allows a small number of people up the trail at a time. And there’s a lottery to determine who gets to go each year.

So when we finally got approved, we were ecstatic. And our excitement only continued to grow as the trip got closer.

But something sinister was also growing as our trip drew near.

The agony in my joints.

And with just a few days to go before the hike of our dreams, I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life.

I had to tell her that - even though I desperately wanted to hike with her - my body just wouldn’t let me.

See, in weeks before the trip, my knees, ankles, and hands felt like they were on fire from the moment I woke up until I got in bed again at night.

And no matter what I tried to do, nothing helped. So I had to back out of our trip.

I had tears in my eyes knowing that I had just robbed my best friend from the hike of her dreams.

Especially since we had waited so long to win the lottery and have our chance to go.

But as devastated as I was, that conversation with my best friend was also a turning point.

And in that moment, I made an iron-clad promise to myself. Not just for my own benefit, but also for my patients.

If there was ANY safe and natural way to deliver total relief for aching joints, I wanted to find it.

And using my thirty years of experience in the medical field, I started pouring over all the joint research I could find from the last hundred years and more.

Yet after months of searching high and low, the only thing I found was a growing sense of frustration.

Since every time I thought I was finally making progress…

I ran face-first into a dead end.

For example, at one point I was optimistic about the potential of glucosamine and chondroitin, after hearing all the hype in the media.

But then I found a peer-reviewed paper published in the prestigious British Medical Journal.

The paper analyzed the 10 most reputable studies on glucosamine and chondroitin, which covered more than 3,800 total patients. And it found that…

“glucosamine, chondroitin, and their combination do not reduce joint pain.” *

And this was the first of many studies I found that all came to the same conclusion. *

Which made me skeptical that glucosamine and chondroitin could truly provide lasting relief for aching joints. Since there was just so much conflicting evidence out there. *

And guess what?

I discovered the same thing about two other popular supplements: MSM and DMSO.

An analysis of seven studies covering more than 300 of patients found…

“DMSO and MSM are not clinically effective in the reduction of pain.” *

And when I kept digging, I once again came across even more conflicting evidence. *Which made me doubt that these solutions were really that helpful as well.

And now I understand why so many of my patients with joint problems are frustrated and confused.

Because I have two medical degrees and nearly thirty years of experience. And even I was having a hard time making sense of all the conflicting reports out there.

So there was no way my patients would be able to sort through this maze on their own.

And the truth is, I was about to throw up my hands and quit myself.

But then I came across a shocking report from a renegade biologist out of Harvard University.

His research turned everything I thought I knew about joint pain on its head. And it set me down the path to discover the REAL reason so many of us struggle with throbbing joints that ache and burn around the clock.

And if you’ve ever been told that your joints hurt because of wear-and-tear on your cartilage, you’ll want to pay close attention.

Because this groundbreaking report provides shocking evidence that wear-and-tear may not actually be the reason our cartilage declines over time.

It’s something else entirely.

And the best part is, once you discover the real reason your cartilage has disappeared, I’ll show you how you can rejuvenate it n just a few seconds per day - using a compound that’s probably hiding in your house as we speak.

The journey starts with a lone biologist at Harvard University. And a 6,000-year-old skeleton sitting under the bright lights of his lab.

Because think about what life was like 6,000 years ago.

Our ancestors were hunter-gatherers. They didn’t have homes. They spent their whole lives on their feet walking and running from one place to the next.

So if wear-and-tear destroys our cartilage, then this skeleton should be bone-on-bone.

But guess what?


In fact, it was the OPPOSITE!

This skeleton - and nearly a dozen others like it - actually had more plush and supportive cartilage than people do today. Not less. *

And when the Harvard biologist published these findings, it shocked the medical world.

In fact, his results were so controversial, he was shunned by much of the medical establishment. And his groundbreaking report was mostly left to gather dust.

But I almost jumped out of my seat when I saw its remarkable conclusion.

Because if wear-and-tear wasn’t causing our cartilage to decline…something else must be.

And if I could figure out what it was, maybe…just maybe…I could find a way to fix it.

So I fired up my laptop and got to work.

And it led me to what might be the most important discovery of my career.

A discovery that is already in the hands of thousands of men and women as we speak. And which has the power to help them silence even their worst joint discomfort and reclaim their independence - no matter how old they are. And even when doctors have already called them a lost cause.

Best of all, this discovery has nothing to do with dangerous painkillers, time-consuming ice and heating pads, or even expensive TENS machines.

Because like I said, it turns out wear-and-tear is NOT the primary reason your cartilage is gone and your joints ache.

I found the first clue to piece together what is really happening thanks to a German scientist from the 1930s named Karl Meyer. *

He discovered molecules in our body called GSGs. (Which is short for “glycosaminoglycans”.)

And further research has found these stunning little molecules are what give cartilage its soft, bouncy, and gel-like property, since they attach to water and can hold nearly 1,000 times their own weight. *

To put that in perspective, one pound is about the same as a loaf of bread.

And 1,000 pounds is about the same as SEVEN kegs of beer. *

So just imagine a tiny loaf of bread strong enough to hold up seven giant kegs - all by itself - without getting flattened like a pancake.

Because that is how much water every single one of these tiny GSG molecules can hold.

And on top of that, a whopping 80% of the cartilage in your joints is made from the water attached to these molecules.

Which is why I now believe these molecules are the single most important reason healthy joints have a plush layer of thick, supportive cartilage.

There’s just one problem…

Cutting-edge research has now shown that the GSG levels in our joints plummet by a staggering 50% as we age. *

And without the gel-like hydration these molecules provide, our cartilage becomes dry, shrunken, and brittle.

In other words, you can think of healthy, plush cartilage like a big, soft, and juicy grape…

Because when a grape dries out, it shrivels up and turns into a tiny, rough, and hard raisin.

And the same thing happens to your cartilage when your joints lose their GSGs.

Since that robs your cartilage of the water it needs to remain thick and plush.

Take a second and think about how monumental this discovery is.

Because if your cartilage has shrunk over time, this stunning revelation shows that the real reason is likely NOT wear-and-tear after all. Even if you’ve seen the decline on a bone scan.

Your cartilage has actually dried out.

Or to put it another way, it’s like your cartilage has EVAPORATED.

Because remember, 80% of your cartilage is made from water. And it gets that water from GSGs.

Which means without those GSGs, your cartilage evaporates, shrinks, and becomes brittle.

And at this point, I’m sure you know that without cartilage to protect your joints, your bones start to scrape against each other like a pepper grinder.

And that leads to the searing, white-hot pain you feel deep inside.

So it doesn’t matter if you keep an ice pack or heating pad strapped to your body around the clock, cover yourself in burning hot wax, or waste a whole paycheck on a TENS device.

You can even try changing your diet and doing crazy exercises from a physical therapist.

But if you don’t do something to stop your cartilage from evaporating, you’ll be doomed to spend the rest of your life with throbbing joints.

As soon as I had this shocking revelation, I experienced something I hadn’t felt in years…


Hope that I may have finally found the answer to my own aching joints. And that I could also share it with my patients… *

Excited, I started searching for ways to give our bodies the GSGs they need to prevent our cartilage from evaporating. And to keep our cartilage thick, plush, and supportive - from head to toe.

And that’s when I found out there is a remarkable compound that soothes aching joints hidden in the trash of virtually every home in America.

In fact, there is a 95% chance you have this compound in your garbage as we speak.

And don’t worry. It’s not dangerous, toxic, or harmful at all.

Yet as you’re about to see, this compound holds the key to relieving even the most severe joint aches. Even when other medical providers have called your case “hopeless.”

Because this compound has more full-spectrum GSGs than virtually any other substance known to man. *

And that means it’s jam-packed with the exact molecules our bodies need to stop cartilage from evaporating.

In fact, one study found that consuming this compound doubled the amount of knee cartilage in animals. *

While another study in humans found that it produced a “rapid and significant reduction of joint pain and stiffness” in as little as 10 days. *

And still more human studies found that it reduced pain and stiffness by 32%…66%…even up to a staggering 73% after just 30 days. *

So just imagine scooting around on the floor as you play with the little ones for hours - without an ounce of discomfort the whole time.

And without worrying that you will pay the price for it later.

Or imagine getting up after a long car ride, movie, or church service without feeling any stiffness whatsoever.

Because that’s exactly what this natural joint-soothing remedy can do.

So what is this joint-soothing remedy hidden in 95% of the homes in America?

You may be surprised when I tell you.

And if you want to enjoy total relief from your aching joints, don’t go running off as soon as you find out.

Because the joint-soothing remedy I’m talking about is found in eggshells.

But it’s not the whole shell!

In fact, only a very specific part of the eggshell contains the GSGs our joints need for lasting relief.

Let me explain…

See, eggs actually have a lot in common with human joints.

Because just like our joints have hard bone on the outside, a layer of soft cartilage in the middle, and joint fluid in the center…

Eggs also have a hard shell outside, a soft membrane in the middle, and liquid in the center. *

That couldn’t just be a coincidence…could it?

Curious, scientists started analyzing the molecules in each part of the egg to find out.

And when they looked at the membrane inside the eggshell, their jaws hit the floor.

Because the eggshell membrane was positively packed with the exact same GSGs that human cartilage needs to stay thick and supportive as we get older. *

And here’s why that actually makes sense…

See, cartilage creates a soft and absorbent layer between the fluid inside our joints and the hard bone outside…

Just like the membrane of an egg creates a barrier between the liquid inside and the hard outer shell. *

Which is why eggshell membrane is such a potent source of the GSG molecules our bodies need to keep our cartilage thick and plush.

But by now, you’ve probably noticed a BIG problem with this discovery…

After all, there’s a reason most of us throw our eggshells in the trash.

Eating them would be gross!

But even worse than that, you would need to eat dozens of eggshells per day to give your body the GSG levels it needs to support healthy cartilage and joints.

So even if you could somehow find a way to stomach eating raw eggshells, you’d have to spend more than $417 per month on eggs in some places to get enough GSGs to enjoy ache-free joints.

And that’s just not in the budget for most of the men and women I work with.

So I started to wonder if there was a better way to obtain the joint-soothing benefits of eggshells for myself and my patients.

And after going in circles for months, my search brought me to a farm in the middle of Missouri.

It was there that I first found out about a groundbreaking and patented process to extract the GSGs from eggshell membranes.

Because this wasn’t just any farm.

This farm was founded by a humble midwestern veteran, who started selling eggs from the back of his family’s station wagon, after he returned home from the Korean War. And who grew to become one of the most respected egg suppliers in the country. *

Yet his humble upbringing always taught him to “waste not, want not.”

And after watching millions of pounds of eggshells head for a landfill from his hatchery each year, he decided there must be a better solution than just letting them go to waste.

So he teamed up with a talented team of scientists. And after more than two years of work, they developed a patented process to safely and naturally extract the GSGs and other nutrients from eggshell membranes. In fact, the only byproduct from this patented, eco-friendly extraction process is water vapor.

And I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when I saw the science behind this remarkable extract.

Because after a whopping 16 clinical studies, the results are nothing short of miraculous. *

One study found that this special form of eggshell membrane extract can reduce joint pain by 41% after just 10 days. And that relief skyrockets to 66% after 30 days. *

Plus a second study found that it led to a staggering 73% reduction in joint pain after 30 days.

And guess what?

A third study found that relief only continues to improve when people use this extract for 60 and even 90 days. *

But don’t worry. If you’re in agony and need relief now, you won’t have to wait for weeks to see results.

Research also shows this eggshell membrane extract can start soothing stiff and angry joints in as little as few days. *

So just imagine being able to cruise through each day feeling like someone half your age. Without a single ache in any of your joints.

And think about the weight that will come off your shoulders when you can toss all your painkillers in the trash.

Because the science is clear. This powerful eggshell membrane extract can repair your cartilage. And can make old, achy joints feel like new again.

But remember, this eggshell membrane extract can only be produced with a patented process.

So let me help you make sure you don’t fall for a cheap knockoff that won’t do a thing to soothe your angry joints.

Because the name of this proprietary eggshell membrane extract is NEM®. Which stands for Natural Eggshell Membrane.

And there’s only one place I can recommend my patients get this powerful joint-soothing remedy.

The only place to get NEM® that I can recommend in good conscience is inside the

Joint Support formula from my colleagues at PureHealth Research.

Because don’t forget, the real reason your cartilage has vanished and your joints ache likely has nothing to do with wear-and-tear.

The truth is, your cartilage has essentially evaporated, since it has lost the GSG molecules it needs to remain thick, plush, and supportive.

Which is why Joint Support contains a one-of-a-kind formula, with NEM® to restore your GSG levels and repair your cartilage. Plus a suite of other nutrients and botanicals to support healthy, pain-free joints.

So close your eyes and think about how it will feel when every joint in your body is once again full of soft and supple cartilage.

Imagine bounding up the stairs two at a time - just like you could when you were a teenager - without even a tingle in your knees or a single ache in your back.

Or imagine being able to return to your favorite activities like walking, hiking, gardening, and dancing. Without even a whisper of discomfort ANYWHERE in your body.

Because that’s what thousands of men and women are now able to do, thanks to the one-of-a-kind formula inside Joint Support.

Like Angela from Alpharetta, Georgia, who said…

“I am 60 years old…[and] within 3 days of taking my first two pills my ongoing knee pain was gone! I am doing great and after 1 month using Joint Support I feel like I did when I was 30.”

Or William from Odessa, Texas, who said…

“I am 69 years old and both knees are bone on bone…This product actually works and makes a difference!”

And Louise from Canada said…

“I am so satisfied. I can move without much pain and enjoy life again!”

So let me tell you about the other ingredients in Joint Support now.

You’ve probably heard about a few of these ingredients before. And you may have even tried some of them already.

But now you know that - until you have restored the GSG in your cartilage - there’s no hope for relieving your achy joints.

Yet once your cartilage has been repaired with the GSGs in Joint Support, you will finally be able to enjoy the benefits of the other natural ingredients in the formula.

Take collagen, for example.

Many people believe collagen is the most-important component of healthy joints.

But remember, 80% of your cartilage is made from water that is attached to GSG molecules.

So when it comes to healthy, pain-free joints, collagen isn’t nearly as important as GSGs are.

But that doesn’t mean collagen is not important at all.

Quite the opposite.

Because if GSGs are what give cartilage its soft, gel-like property…

Then collagen is what holds the GSG molecules together to give cartilage its structure. *

In other words, think of collagen like a balloon, and GSGs like water inside that balloon.

The balloon provides the structure that holds the water in place. But if the balloon pops, the water goes everywhere.

Because that’s exactly how collagen provides structure for the GSGs in your cartilage.

Which means that only after you have restored the GSG levels in your joints will you see any benefit from adding collagen to your diet.

But once you’ve flooded your joints with soothing GSGs, it becomes critical that you provide your body with the collagen it needs to keep those GSGs in place.

And that’s why Joint Support includes a powerful dose of Type-II Collagen.

Type-II Collagen is the primary form of collagen used by our joints.

And studies have found that taking it can help reduce overall joint pain by 40%. And by 50% while people are walking. *

So just imagine blazing your way up your favorite hiking trail - or even just strolling around the block - without your joints flaring up at all.

Since that’s what you can expect from the combination of Type-II Collagen and GSGs found in Joint Support.

And if you’re excited about that, then you’re going to be blown away by the next ingredient I have to share with you.

Because a study by four of Asia’s top joint specialists found that it can reduce joint pain by a stunning 90%. Plus it eliminated joint swelling entirely. *

Those results aren’t luck, either.

Another team of researchers analyzed the seven most credible human trials of this ingredient, covering a total of 545 patients.

The studies compared this ingredient head-to-head with everything from glucosamine, to a placebo pill, to Ibuprofen…

And across four different measurements for joint pain and stiffness - every study concluded this ingredient was the clear winner. *

So picture yourself gliding through your day with ease. And being able to take care of everyday activities like washing dishes, walking the dog, and tending the garden without an ounce of suffering.

Because that’s the kind of relief this ingredient can provide for you. (Especially after you’ve restored your body’s GSG levels and repaired your cartilage with NEM®.)

Which is why I couldn’t support any joint-health formula without this ingredient.

Even though it’s made from the resin of a tree that only grows in remote locations - like the Arabian Peninsula.

And while you may have heard of this ingredient before, I need to tell you about a critical mistake most people make when they use it.

So pay close attention to this next part.

Because the ingredient I’m talking about is called boswellia serrata extract.

But like I said, most people who try boswellia make a serious mistake. A mistake that means they experience little or no benefit - no matter how much they take or how much money they spend.

See, the boswellia extract in most other supplements never actually makes it to your joints to provide relief. Since our bodies don’t absorb it very well. *

That’s why the formula for Joint Support also contains a powerful nutrient called piperine, which is found in black pepper extract.

Studies have found that piperine can help the human body absorb more of the healing nutrients in a wide range of natural remedies.*

One study even found that black pepper extract nearly TRIPLED the amount of boswellia absorbed by the body in animals with a digestive system almost identical to humans. *

Which means with the black pepper extract in Joint Support, you can finally enjoy all the joint-soothing properties of boswellia - even if you tried it before and weren’t impressed.

And guess what?

Black pepper also helps your body absorb more of the next joint-comforting ingredient in Joint Support.

Now you’ve almost certainly heard of this ingredient before.

But no joint-health formula would be complete without it.

Because at this point, it seems like thousands of studies have shown it can help quiet even the most aggressive joint aches.

In fact, one study found that this compound alone could cut joint pain in half. *

And another study found that it was just as effective as Ibuprofen - but without all the risk to your stomach and liver. *

Yes, I’m talking about turmeric.

But just like I mentioned with boswellia extract before, your body is terrible at absorbing turmeric. And its main ingredient, curcumin.

In fact, another animal study found that only a miniscule 1% of the curcumin in turmeric actually makes it past the digestive system. *

So if you’ve ever tried turmeric without enjoying the relief that so many others rave about, now you know why.

But don’t worry.

Human studies have found that the black pepper extract in Joint Support can help your body absorb more curcumin into the blood stream. *

So just imagine the joy you’ll feel when you can walk without your knees acting up, bend over without your back aching, and twist the lid off a jar without feeling a lightning bolt shoot up your hands, wrists, and arms.

Because that’s the kind of powerful relief you can enjoy with the combination of turmeric and black pepper extract inside Joint Support.

Especially when you combine them with NEM® to repair your cartilage.

And even though I have no doubt you would experience tremendous - and perhaps even complete relief…

Just from the ingredients I’ve already shared with you today…

There’s still one more piece of the Joint Support formula left for me to tell you about right now.

It’s a powerful botanical that has been used as a tonic in ancient medical traditions for more than 5,000 years. *

And modern science has found that it can help reduce joint pain by over 40% and stiffness by a jaw-dropping 85%. *

So what is this time-tested natural remedy for aching joints?

It’s ginger.

And that’s why the final ingredient in the Joint Support formula is a healthy dose of ginger extract.

Since it can help soothe your aching joints from head to toe.

And now you see why no other joint-health product comes close to the groundbreaking formula inside Joint Support.

Because Joint Support has the only formula designed to address the real reason your cartilage has disappeared. Which you now know has nothing to do with wear-and-tear…

Instead, your cartilage essentially evaporates as the GSG levels in your joints drop. Since without the gel-like hydration these molecules provide, your cartilage becomes dry, shrunken, and brittle.

And that’s why the primary ingredient in Joint Support is Natural Eggshell Membrane. Since this proprietary eggshell membrane extract gives your body more full-spectrum GSG molecules than virtually any substance known to man.

These are the exact molecules your body needs to repair your cartilage so you can once again move through your day with ease.

And NEM® is the only way to get these molecules in their most pure and absorbable form.

Which means the NEM® in Joint Support alone has the power to virtually eliminate your stiff and aching joints.

But giving your joints a thick layer of plush cartilage is also just the beginning.

Because Joint Support also features a suite of other joint-soothing natural ingredients, botanicals, and extracts.

Like Type-II Collagen to support the structure of your cartilage and keep your body’s GSG molecules in place…

Natural pain-relievers like boswellia serrata, turmeric, and ginger to calm even the most angry joints…

And black pepper to make sure all of the potent nutrients in Joint Support actually make it past your digestive system and into your joints to provide relief.

Now I know you may have tried some of these other ingredients in the past…

But I can promise you’ve never experienced anything close to their full potential.

Since they can only deliver maximum results after you’ve flooded your joints with the soothing GSG molecules found in NEM®.

Which is why Joint Support from PureHealth Research is the one and only joint formula I can recommend in good faith.

Because as you can see, it’s hands-down the most complete formula for healthy joints in the world.

Plus it exceeds the highest quality standards anywhere.

First, PureHealth Research is one of the only companies I know that puts ALL their formulas through a rigorous peer-review process with a scientific advisory board that features a dual-board certified medical doctor, heart surgeon, nutritionist, dietician, research chemist, and other health experts.

On top of that, each Joint Support capsule comes as a tiny, easy-to-swallow capsule - with only 100% natural and sustainably sourced ingredients inside.

That means Joint Support has NO artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or preservatives.

And NO fillers, stearates, gelatin, or dyes.

And it also goes through comprehensive testing for quality and purity by a third-party.

That way, you can be certain that you’re getting the right doses of ALL of the healing ingredients on the Joint Support label into your body - and nothing else.

In fact, this commitment to quality is why PureHealth Research is fast becoming the number-one supplement brand on the planet.

They’ve shipped more than 2,100,000 natural-health products to customers around the world in the past few years alone.

Yet even with all those customers, the ratings for Joint Support are still a near-perfect 4.9 stars out of five.

And when you see some of the reviews their customers have left, you’ll understand why.

For example, Steve from Grants Pass, Oregon, said…

“My knees have very little to no pain at all...this stuff works great! I may never have a knee replacement.”

And Marie from Centennial, Colorado said…

“I noticed an improvement in my hands within a week! Flexibility is so much better, right from when I wake up and improves during the day.”

Plus there are thousands more men and women out there using Joint Support just like them.

Men and women who used to suffer in round-the-clock agony…

Who couldn’t walk without a cane and struggled to twist the lid off a jar…

And who were called a lost cause by their doctor…

Yet thanks to Joint Support, they have now been able to silence even their most agonizing joint aches.

They’ve been able to erase every ounce of stiffness from their body, from the moment they wake up until they get in bed again at night.

And most importantly, they have the peace of mind that they will be one of the lucky few who can remain vibrant and active well into their golden years. Without the slightest fear that they will eventually need round-the-clock help just to get by.

So now let me ask you…

Don’t you deserve to feel that way, too?

I think so.

So let me show you how to get your hands on a fresh supply of Joint Support right now.

And how you can lock in the best price we’ve ever offered on this one-of-a-kind formula today.

Because I’ve seen my patients try some crazy things in a desperate attempt to relieve their aching joints.

Some of them have spent hundreds of dollars on a far-infrared heating pack or TENS stim machine.

Others spent thousands of dollars a year to see a chiropractor or physical therapist.

And a few were so desperate, they spent $50,000 to have a surgeon cut them open and surgically repair their joints.

That’s more money than most people’s annual salary!

Yet as you now know, studies have found even surgery may not be enough to provide lasting relief for your painful joints.

Because the real reason your joints ache is that your GSG levels have dropped and caused your cartilage to evaporate.

And none of the solutions I just mentioned give you the full-spectrum GSG molecules you need to have thick, plush, and supportive cartilage.

You can only get that from the proprietary Natural Eggshell Membrane extract in Joint Support.

So when I first heard that PureHealth Research wanted to charge $150 for a bottle of their revolutionary joint-soothing formula, I wasn’t exactly happy.

But I wasn’t surprised, either.

After all, in some places you’d have to spend $417 a month on eggs alone to get the same number of GSGs found in NEM®.

Plus Joint Support also features other exotic ingredients only found in remote parts of the world, like the Arabian Peninsula.

So when you think about the thousands of dollars my patients wasted trying to soothe their aching joints without success, $150 is actually a pretty fair deal.

Especially since Joint Support allows you to enjoy total relief from stiff and aching joints, just by taking one tiny capsule a day.

But I didn’t start practicing medicine for the money.

I became a doctor because I want to improve the health of as many people as possible.

And I know a lot of us are struggling financially right now.

Many families are living paycheck to paycheck. And others have no savings.

So I told the team at PureHealth Research that - if they wanted my support - they had to bring the price WAY down.

Now they weren’t happy about it at first.

But then they realized something surprising…

If they started sourcing their ingredients directly from small farmers and suppliers, they could maintain their exceptional quality standards.

And at the same time, they could cut out the middleman to save a boatload of money.

Which would allow them to lower the price of Joint Support - without making a single compromise to the formula.

But that’s not all.

By working directly with their suppliers, it also means they can offer you an even better deal when you stock up on multiple bottles of Joint Support today.

Since selling larger batches of Joint Support allows them to order their ingredients in larger quantities, too. And that means they can negotiate an even deeper discount with their suppliers for ordering in bulk.

The only downside is that this means Joint Support is NOT available in stores.

It can only be found here on this website.

But the good news is now you won’t have to pay anything close to $150 for a bottle of Joint Support today.

You won’t even have to pay HALF that.

Instead, to thank you for spending your valuable time with me, I got the team PureHealth Research to put together a special deal just for you.

And that means right now, you can get a single bottle of Joint Support for only $49.

That’s over $100 off compared to the $150 they wanted to charge.

Plus you can save even more by stocking up on multiple bottles today.

Which is a smart move if you ask me.

Because even as you’re reading this, there are bottles of Joint Support flying off the shelves.

And remember, the Joint Support formula contains proprietary and exotic ingredients that only grow a few places on Earth.

So if they run out, it could be months before they get more in stock again.

And if that happens, it means you will be doomed to spend the next few months with aching joints that only get worse by the day.

But if you stock up on six bottles now - while you still have the chance - you will ensure you have a healthy stockpile for months to come. Since each bottle of Joint Support contains a 30-day supply.

And don’t forget about all the studies I showed you earlier.

Because many of them found that the NEM® in Joint Support continued to provide greater relief after 30…60…and even 90 days.

To me, that’s concrete proof that the longer you take Joint Support, the better your experience will be.

And it’s yet another reason I think it’s smart to stock up on six bottles now…While you still can.

Because a six-pack of Joint Support gives you a full 180-day supply.

And just imagine the relief you’ll experience after bathing your joints in soothing GSG molecules for nearly six months.

Think about how it will feel after those GSGs go to work repairing the cartilage in every joint of your body - from the top of your head down to your pinky toes.

Imagine throwing off the covers and bouncing out of bed in the morning - without a single ache or an ounce of stiffness anywhere in your body.

Imagine gliding effortlessly through your entire day, bursting with energy and feeling like someone half your age.

And being able to tend to the garden all afternoon, zoom along your favorite hike, or dance the night away at a wedding…

All without a single twinge in even your most troublesome joints.

Best of all, imagine going to bed and drifting peacefully to sleep - without a worry in the world.

Because thanks to Joint Support, you know you will be one of the lucky few who can live the rest of your life on your terms.

And while so many others wind up losing their independence and needing round-the-clock care…

You will never wind up stuck on the sidelines because of your aching joints again.

Because ALL this and more can be yours when you claim a six-pack of Joint Support right now.

Which is why I urge you to click the button below this video now and claim a six-bottle supply of Joint Support to lock in the best deal we’ve ever offered.

Or feel free to choose another package if you find a better fit for you.

And don’t worry, you can place your order with total confidence that your personal information is safe. Since our checkout form uses the latest, military-grade encryption to protect your credit card number and order details.

And once you confirm your order, PureHealth Research will rush your supply of Joint Support to your door.

Which means when you order now, you could wake up feeling the first signs of sweet relief in just a few days.

Because don’t forget, studies found that the NEM® in Joint Support can start calming stiff and angry joints in as little as few days.

On top of that, if for some strange reason you don’t love everything about your experience with Joint Support…

Then, I WANT you to get your money back.

That’s why I’ve made sure that every order of Joint Support placed using the button under this video is backed by a 365-Day Guarantee from PureHealth Research.

That means you can take an entire year to use every single dose of Joint Support in your order and decide if it’s right for you.

And if you aren’t totally satisfied at any point, just call or email the friendly PureHealth Research customer support team.

They have more than 90 people standing by as we speak to help you with anything you need. Plus their phone number and email address are included on every bottle of Joint Support.

And with one quick call or email, they will issue a prompt and courteous refund of the full purchase price. Even on empty bottles.

That’s how confident we are that claiming a supply of Joint Support will be the best decision you make this year.

But remember, there are bottles flying out the door as we speak.

And with a formula full of proprietary and exotic ingredients, there’s a high risk that it could run out of stock at any moment.

Plus as more people experience the healing benefits of Joint Support, almost all of them keep coming back for more.

And that places even more demand on the lab where we make Joint Support in small, rigorously tested batches.

So click the button below now. And if you can see the checkout form on the next page, it means there are still at least a few bottles of Joint Support left.However if you see a big “out-of-stock” banner covering the entire page, then you waited too long and Joint Support is no longer available.

And don’t forget - once that happens, you may be doomed to suffer for the next few months while you wait for Joint Support to come back in stock…

All while your stiff and burning joints get worse by the day.

And it would break my heart if I found out that happened to you.

Especially when the key to complete relief is only a few clicks away.

So click the button below. And if you see the checkout form on the next page, I urge you to complete your order now - while you still can.

Because there may only be a few bottles of Joint Support left.

And that means you have a decision to make.

Now you could decide to ignore everything you’ve seen today…

The rock-solid science, the eye-opening studies, and the verified reviews from real Joint Support customers…

All of which prove that the breakthrough formula in Joint Support can silence even the worst joint discomfort.

No matter how old you are. And even if you’ve already tried seemingly every solution under the sun without relief.

That’s one path you could take. And if you decide to go that way, no hard feelings.

In fact, I wish you the best of luck.

But do me a favor and ask yourself…

If you don’t do something now to soothe your aching joints - whether it’s with Joint Support or something else…

What’s going to change?

Because remember, piles of research now show that wear-and-tear is not the reason your cartilage disappears and your joints hurt.

The truth is, your cartilage actually evaporates as you get older. Since it loses the moisture-rich GSG molecules it needs to remain plump, soft, and supportive.

Which means if you don’t do something to support your body’s GSG levels, it may only be a matter of time before you wind up bone-on-bone.

And I’d hate for you to end up spending every hour of your day with your bones rubbing together like a pepper grinder.

Especially when pure, blissful relief is just a few clicks away.

Because it’s not too late.

You CAN choose a different path right now.

You can say YES! to the healing formula inside Joint Support.

And in as little as a few days, you could totally silence your stiff and aching joints.

Don’t just take my word for it, though. Take a look at this video we got from a Joint Support user named William. He’s 69 years old and said his knees are bone-on-bone…

“Here’s the Joint Support pills that I ran across and I tell you what, these pills work great.

They take a lot of the pain off of my knees that I’ve had in the past and help me get around a lot better. And I don’t have to sit all day. I can stay being on-the-go.

I don’t know if it’s the turmeric in here and the way that they put other supplements in there to get that into your system better or what the deal is. But I’ve taken a lot of different knee supplements or joint supplements and none of them - NONE of them - have worked as well as this one right here.

So I would tell you this. Try one bottle and you’ll be like me, I’m pretty sure, that you will want to get you some more. Thanks for listening and have a great day y'all take care now. Bye.”

So if you want to join William and countless other men and women enjoying smooth, pain-free joints well into their golden years…

Then claim your supply of Joint Support now, before we run out.

To get started, click the button below. Then complete the secure order form on the next page.

Soon your shipment of Joint Support will be on its way to you.

Picture yourself tearing open the box just a few short days from now. Then enjoying your first easy-to-swallow capsule with a glass of cool, refreshing water.

And imagine waking up the very next morning and noticing that it’s already easier for you to get out of bed.

Because it only gets better from there.

Think about how it will feel one week later, when you can breeze through your day. Since your joint pain and stiffness are just a whisper of what they once were.

Best of all, imagine reaching for your bottle of Joint Support 30 days later…

Twisting off the top with ease…

And as you shake out the last capsule inside, you realize something miraculous.

Your pain is gone.

ALL of it is gone.

From the top of your head to the tips of your toes, all you feel is smooth, blissful relief.

Because I’m here to say that this IS possible for you, thanks to the healing formula inside Joint Support..

And that’s not even the best part.

Because if you order the six-bottle option, it means in that moment of pure joy, you will still have five bottles left from your order.

Which means you are virtually guaranteed to enjoy the next five months without a single ache anywhere on your body.

Can you imagine the weight that will lift from your chest?

You’ll feel alive again.

You’ll feel FREE.

FREE of the nonstop joint discomfort keeping you on the sidelines right now.

And that means, while other people your age wind up needing round-the-clock care just to get through the day…

You will be one of the lucky few who can remain vibrant, active, and independent for the rest of your life.

But if you still need another reason to order a supply of Joint Support today, don’t just do it for your own sake.

Order Joint Support now and you can also help save a child’s life.

See, roughly 7,000 children around the world die every day from malnutrition. Many of them infants.

That’s why PureHealth Research has partnered with a top-rated charity called Vitamin Angels. And they donate a portion of the proceeds from every bottle of Joint Support to provide life-saving vitamins to children in need.

In fact, more than 405,000 children have already gained access to life-changing nutritional support thanks to this partnership.

Which means when you order Joint Support today, you won't just be saving yourself from crippling joint discomfort.

You’ll also be saving a child’s life at the same time.

So click the button below to claim your supply of Joint Support now.

And remember to choose the six-bottle option if you can.

Because that will give you the absolute best deal possible. And you’ll be able to enjoy complete relief from your aching joints for just $1.40 per day.

Plus you’ll also have a six-month supply to protect yourself in case we run out of stock. Since it could take months for a new batch of Joint Support to become available again.

Yet if all that’s not enough, we’ll also donate a portion of each bottle to provide life-saving vitamins for children around the world.

And remember, your entire order is backed by a 365-day guarantee, too.

That means you can use every single dose of Joint Support in your order and take a full year to decide if it’s right for you.

And if you aren’t satisfied for any reason, you can get a fast and full refund of the full purchase price. Even on empty bottles.

So click the button below now. And if you still see the order form on the next page, you’re in luck.

Because that means there are still at least a few bottles of Joint Support left ready to ship.

But they could run out any minute.

So I urge you to click the button below now and complete your order while you still can.

Finally, thanks again for spending your time with me today.

And I can’t wait to hear about your Joint Support success story soon!